Navigate to Iron Wharf Boatyard
Sailing directions for Iron Wharf Boatyard:
- Leave the Faversham Spit north cardinal buoy to starboard, steer south-west into Faversham Creek.
- Keep the red can buoys well to your port side as there is some encroachment of the mud bank into the deep water channel between buoys Nos. 2 – 6.
- Starboard side of the channel is marked by a green cone No.1 initially with the next marker in the shape of a green triangle above the wreck. This is situated well to the starboard side and care must be taken at this point to stay around mid channel.
- From No.8 red can, navigate straight down the fairway making a good course towards the boatyard and Shipwright’s Arms, which lie at the junction of Faversham and Oare Creeks. There is a large mud bank on the starboard side at this juncture. (The south-west channel leads to Oare via Oare Creek)
- At the fork, continue to port into Faversham Creek proper, leaving the pub to starboard. Follow the starboard bank until abeam the stone sea-wall revetment.
- Alter smartly to port until the pylon is fine on the port bow. This should take you to the next green buoy No. 5 which can be gently rounded, follow the bank line.
- Proceed along the channel guided by the Starboard hand buoys taking note of the line of the banks.
- Having passed green buoy No.7, You should be about 5 metres from the port bank heading towards Nagden Cottages.
- Take note of the Faversham Church spire to starboard in the distance and the large rectangular warehouse building in the distant foreground. When the two are in transit alter to starboard so as to place the red can buoy No.14 on the port bow. This will take one clear of the notorious Nagden Bump.
- Having passed the red can No.14 (with the starboard bank close to), alter about 30 degrees to port to clear the next green buoy No.11. Continue following the channel as before.
- On passing the sewage works, Iron Wharf Boatyard will be seen ahead.
- Visitors’ berths are available here (rafted out) or one can proceed on for a further 800 metres to Front Brents Jetty to starboard and the Town Quay to port. It is recommended to proceed at minimum speed upstream of Iron Wharf.